Wacky health insurance costs

Example of letter sent out by America's health insurance companies to their customers. The number of Americans without health insurance decreased dramatically after the Affordable Care Act passed and became law, but in recent years the number has started to creep up again, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation (kff.org), a leader in studying the topic. Some 28 million Americans are currently estimated to be without the coverage. In early 2018 I became one of the uninsured for the first time in my adult life. It was disconcerting to say the least. But I knew something about the subject as a daily newspaper journalist who had reported on current health issues. I also am very healthy, overall, so considered not paying for the pricey insurance. Family members and friends strenuously objected to this idea so I signed up. My insurance agent is a nice gentleman who lives in Davenport, but I gotta tell you, the health insurance industry is a wacky business indeed. To...