NFL does no favors to Monday Night Football

Some of the Baker family football fans, shown here at a college game Professional football in America has taken a step back as the Monday Night Football broadcast has fallen from favor, probably because of the Thursday Night edition. NFL officials: This is too much! Monday Night Football was born 50 years ago and caught on almost immediately as it was widely available on ABC-TV, and was the only professional game to be found on a weeknight. Keith Jackson, "Dandy" Don Meredith and Howard Cosell started the tradition, which this year features Joe Tessitore doing the play-by-play and former Louisiana State University standout Booger McFarland on color commentary with Lisa Salters on the sideline. I have no quarrel with any of the 2019 talent: McFarland, especially, is well-researched and prepared. They all are trying very hard, but none were nationally-known stars, like their predecessors. Monday Night Football was broadcast on ABC-TV for 35 years. In 2006 the progr...