Old treadmill out, new one arrives

Our new Weslo treadmill was up and operating in late February The old Weslo treadmill was purchased in 2007 After 13 years of service the old treadmill has been replaced. This fitness-crazed 62-year-old ran the Weslo Cadance DX9 into treadmill heaven. The belt is a bit torn, and the motor liked to stop once in a while, pitching yours truly back and forth. But the price-conscious Weslo brand is still in business, and the 2007 model has been replaced by a new Weslo model, with a nifty look. We got the new one for about $300, from Wal-Mart, online. The old Weslo was purchased for about $200 from K-Mart. The point is not about cost, but about using the device. Regular exercise is still the only way to help ensure good health. It's the silver bullet of preventative care. No, it does not always work. Think: Jim Fixx. A runner, Fixx helped to start the fitness revolution by writing a best-selling book, "The Complete Book of Running." He died o...