Just how comfortable are you (in a mask)?

Both of these masks are off Etsy; one for all the blue I wear, one for when I want to show my collegiate colors. We also have some plain white masks and those made from Deere & Co. fabric. The world is starting to open up and we now are faced with a new set of decisions: How comfortable is it to go out ... And live? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, is headquartered in Atlanta. These are the folks who set public health policy in the United States. Current federal recommendations are for most everyone to wear masks when social distancing techniques are not feasible. This makes for an ongoing discussion among family, friends and neighbors. We've met a couple of times for "Distance socializing," where couples sit in pairs of chairs, six feet apart. That, all agree, is comfortable. Not to mention, good for psychological health. No masks are worn. But get out in stores, or restaurants, and then what? Masks are not my favorite thing, mind ...