What is your hometown?

Steve and I, in downtown Minneapolis, where I was born. I was raised in the suburbs. This is where I grew up: Tipton, Iowa. The view out the back window where I live now: North Scott County, Iowa. I once served on an advisory committee for the North Scott School District. Nominated by the principal at my daughter's elementary school, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience through the school year. We parents and district stakeholders were an advisory group, of sorts, to the superintendent. The first meeting was notable because the superintendent had simple questions that confused us newbies: What is your hometown? Where are you from? Uh, what exactly? Some of us shrugged, wiggled uncomfortably, and said "North Scott." Now, I love living in North Scott but I actually didn't move into the district until 1993. I was born in Minneapolis, Minn., and raised in Tipton, Iowa. What is a hometown, anyway? According to dictionaries, "hometown" i...