COVID-19: The Journey. Chapter 6, The House is Clean

Steve and I at lunch, outdoors, in Clinton, Iowa August -- yet another month of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic -- featured a quick trip to see our baby granddaughter, but most days were at home. Recall that after our family matriarch, Carol Baker, passed away in May, the Bakers have seen each other on a regular, ongoing basis. This was a silver lining to what was a sad occasion. We try to see baby Myla Adelyn about once a month, and in August, it was for four days and included an outing to Saylorville Lake. We pack a bunch of face masks for such trips and use them, faithfully. We returned home to host three of my girlfriends from Tipton, Iowa: They came out to float on our small pontoon boat, and later, to have lunch. I don't usually pilot the boat and had trouble with lotus plants in the water, but we paddled our way out of the muck. Lunch was outdoors, on the deck. The next week had another family gathering, to say goodbye to granddaughter Hailey Hansen, ...