COVID-19: The Journey. Chapter 8, Pumpkin trebuchet
The Baker gang (masks in pockets) at the pumpkin patch outside of Des Moines Baby Myla, all tuckered out after the farm visit October brought us to the end of two high school sports seasons: Grandson Collin ended in cross country while grandson Brady finished the year in football. We attended most of these sporting events as the weather was mild. We also caught a show, finally, at Circa '21 Playhouse, Rock Island. Finally, most of the entire family gathered at, of all places, a pumpkin patch on a farm outside Des Moines, Iowa. In all we stayed at home except for one night of the month. Grandson Collin runs cross country for Davenport Assumption High School and he had three local meets in October. We went, wearing masks, to outdoor venues in Davenport, DeWitt and Bettendorf. A clear announcement was made before the conference meet at Crow Creek Par...