Slow vaccine distribution? Not so much in South Dakota

The first public vaccination clinic offered in Scott County, Iowa, quickly filled up. Meantime, it's safest to wear masks (of course!) Residents of the Quad-Cities -- which includes both Iowa and Illinois municipalities -- see first-hand what COVID-19 vaccine distribution looks like from state-to-state. As this blog post is written, those eligible for a vaccine are offered a drive-through clinic in Milan, Ill. It is made possible by a partnership between Rock Island County, Illinois, public health officials and a business owner who offers his large property for the clinics. In addition, grocery stores and drug stores are poised to give out the vaccine in Illinois. There is a more measured pace in Iowa. On the Scott County Health Department website Thursday, Jan. 28, a clear message was given: The supply of the vaccine was described as "VERY limited," and the amount that comes i...