Confessions of a Clean Freak

The back patio is cleaned up, an ongoing task. That's because most debris comes from bird feeders, seen at top left. The full moon shined brightly out back as I softly padded down the stairs, trying not to trip although it's pitch dark. My task is to open the dishwasher that had finished its cycle. I opened it, pulled out the shelves and shook them a little before I headed back to bed in the very early-morning hours. I slept dreaming of house-cleaning. This tendency, present to various extents all 63 years of life, has gone into overdrive during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is not a surface or item in this house that can't be cleaned, I think. What else do I have to do? One might think that empty-nesters -- only two in a house -- might be able to stay pretty clean. I beg to differ: I choose/need to stay busy so that means I clean and sanitize items much of each day, ba...