COVID-19: The Journey. Chaper 12, We shovel snow, shovel snow and shovel again

We shoveled through some big snow drifts in the backyard, hoping to encourage runoff to go down the hill rather into the home. Granddaughter Myla is such a cutie! Steve, Myla and the dog, Buffy, intently watch "Frozen," Myla's favorite movie. While the month of February has only 28 (or 29) days, it often feels like the longest month of the year. This was quite true in 2021-- after the endless year of 2020, and a cold January, we in Iowa faced February with record cold and copious amounts of snow. Snow piled up in six-foot drifts both in the front and back yard. This exercise enthusiast does not mind shoveling snow but it was unusually heavy this year. In addition, our house is located at the bottom of a hill in our neighborhood and melting snow can cause indoor flooding. We have done much over the years to mitigate flood damage. But it's a concern. In the continuing pandemic it was this outside exerc...