A love affair continues ... with socks!

A new pair of Balega socks feel great! Socks in a special drawer: Organized with critters on some styles, other styles for cold weather, half-sized nylon sockies for certain shoes and several pairs of athletic socks. I've got a love affair going with socks: Clean, colorful, comfy socks. (This has continued for years, luckily, husband Steve just puts up with it.) I have a dresser drawer especially for socks and it holds styles for summer, winter, and seasons in between. Some socks are for around the house but also when we are out-and-about. Some are for certain shoes. Many pairs of mine are for athletic shoes as I work out five days a week and also plan to do a 5K race. Seasonal pairs are for Christmastime; others have critters on them. I have socks for when I substitute teach in local schools. I have socks for when we head out to lunch or dinner, usually outdoors somewhere. ...