Mask-wearing continues to be personal choice, mostly

The basket of masks is located near the back door. You can't miss it! I ran errands a couple of weeks ago and encountered confusing face mask-wearing signs at two businesses. One, at Green Thumbers, a flower vendor, said that masks not necessary inside the store. The second, at the Menard's store in north Davenport, said that unvaccinated persons should wear masks, others need not. I put on my mask when indoors at both places. I don't know about you, but I'm still cautious when shopping indoors. We Bakers have been fully vaccinated since May, and both of us are quite healthy, thankfully. But this "in-between" time of wearing, not-wearing masks, is problematic. A smart friend suggested I simply social distance from others, indoors. That's very difficult at a place such as HyVee, the grocery store. I wore a mask when shopping there on Monda...