5K number 2 now in the books

Ballooned arch and volunteers at the finish line. Here I am, happy to be finished with the 5K. The scene was set Saturday morning at North Scott High School in Eldridge: An arch of red-and-white balloons wafted in the breeze as the starter used his megaphone: "Ready, Set, Go!" A group of us, more than 140 men and women, teens and children, took off down the bike path across the street from the high school. A 5K "Fun Run," was sponsored by the North Scott Athletic Boosters and it was fun. I was looking for a 5K event to end the summer. I did my first one back in June and in July, took part in the two-mile event associated with the Quad-City Times Bix 7. There was a 5K in Moline connected to the Quad-Cities Marathon on Sunday but I eventually made a choice to stay closer to home. It was perfect for this newbie runner. The weather was cool but the sun shined brightly. The North Scott dance tea...