This one thinks "retire" is a four-letter word

Steve and I, in Des Moines. He's better at retirement than I am! Retire? Not so fast, says this workaholic who used to cringe at the word and now says it aloud with fingers used as quotation marks. I like to stay busy and many smart folks have told me truly ... I need to stay busy. There are some others in my Cox family who also stay busy so I know this is not unusual. The difference, these days, is that the time is of one's own choosing. Some of us choose more activities than others. It was 2018 when I was laid off from as a daily newspaper reporter. The family rushed to comfort me as they knew this career was one I had chosen at 18 years old and managed to stay in for almost four decades. (This blog got a lot more urgency when two friends were laid off from the newsroom. I remain an avid newspaper reader.) I still start each day by r...