An Apple Watch vs. Fitbit Inspire 2

That's the Apple Watch, Series 7, on the left; the Fitbit Inspire 2 is at right. An Apple Watch -- Series 7 -- arrived recently. It was a gift from my husband for Mother's Day, but actually getting a working watch was a weeks-long experience. At any case I have embraced the watch, and given Steve my former exercise tracker, the Fitbit Inspire 2. The Inspire 2 is not as intuitive as the Apple device but I used one for many years without complaint. Recently, however, Steve because more concerned about me needing help in some situation, usually related to my solo exercise routines. The Apple Watch has a "danger" mode where it automatically calls 911 if one, for example, falls off a bicycle and is hurt. This actually happened to my brother-in-law who regularly rides. He took a tumble, was unhurt, and subsequently explained it was a bit embarrassing as he had to find his glasses to see on the Apple device where you STO...