Living life by lists

Two typical lists written on sticky notes, every night. Are you one for lists? Lots of folks in their older years ignore lists, thinking being retired means using free time as one wishes. I agree with that, but I also like to be productive every day, and hence I use lists, like the one above. I slavishly follow a list, most of the time. I don't always get to all the tasks listed. This week, I forgot to buy cereal, the first item on my food shopping list. (I think it was because our local Hy-Vee was packed, and many employees were once again moving items from one aisle to another!) Who could even find the cereal? Anyway, I suspect it's lists for me and others. If you google "list-making" + why, you find people who make YouTube videos on lists, as well as numerous magazine articles and entire books on how to do this task, making yourself as productive and focused as possible. Exp...