When did paper go out of fashion?

Newspapers, made out of paper called newsprint. Baby Boomers are no spring chickens anymore; I happen to be among the younger of this age group and I'll be 65 years old in mid-December. But this generation might be the last to fully appreciate paper in all its forms. Paper money. Newspaper. Bills, paid by paper checks. Paperback books, library books, etc. These examples, and more, seem to indicate a troubling trend. Let's start with newsprint. This type of paper, used mainly in newspapers, has declined abruptly and precipitously. According to the Pew Research Center , the circulation of daily newspapers in 2020 was 24.3 million and for Sunday newspapers, it was 25.8 million. The numbers were markedly different in 1990: The circulation was 63.2 million and for Sunday newspapers it was 62.6 million. Fewer readers means less newspapers bought and sold. Less newsprint in u...