Enjoy softball? Fast-pitch style mighty fine

Mick Baker of Chicago plays fast-pitch softball. He was in a Walcott tournament and is shown with his Grandpa, Steve Baker. Men's fastpitch softball is alive and thriving, with a recent example seen in the community of Walcott, Iowa, located a few miles west of Davenport and the Quad-Cities. Walcott (population, 1,500) has a long history with softball and in late June hosted the Larry Koberg Iowa Area Men's Fast-pitch Softball tournament -- a qualifier for the world tournament later this summer. That's the most recent iteration of favored summer pastime. The game of softball has a long and complicated history, according to The New Republic, a news magazine. In an article from 2016, the respected magazine explained that softball traces its roots to 1887. A group of men had gathered to watch the Harvard/Yale football game via ticker-tape. Yale won, and a happy fan picked up a boxing glove, and threw it up in the ...