In 1998, eight-year-old runs in first Junior Bix

That's Kirstin Baker (yellow top), age 8, at the Junior Bix in 1998 It was the summer of 1998, and our active 8-year-old daughter, Kirstin, enjoyed running around our Scott County neighborhood. It made sense for husband Steve and I, both employed at the Quad-City Times, to register Kirstin for the first "Junior Bix" event planned for the Friday night before the famous 7-mile race. Kirstin had taken part in a children's race before and it seemed a no-brainer. We got everyone loaded into the car on Friday, July 24, and headed for the Times. We had no idea what to expect. That first event has been termed "organized chaos" in the 25 years since it was held. Those who planned the Quad-City Times Bix 7 thought a special race for children was a great idea. They expected some 1,500 entries, but an additional 5,000 children, parents, grandparents, fri...