Songs from two keys of life

In 1976, the top song in the "American Top 40" was 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart,' 
Grammy-Award winning duet by Elton John and Kiki Dee.

In August of 1976, the most popular song in America was 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart,' by Elton John and Kiki Dee. It was an anthem for some of us, who are now 60 years old. That song was playing when a tight-knit group from Tipton High School in Tipton, Iowa, was about to leave for college.

Forty-two years ago, three friends talked about the challenges ahead one August night as we sat on swings by the Tipton school. We visited about new college roommates, and what we wanted after graduation. It was an exciting yet scary time in life.

That memory was triggered recently after hearing 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' on the radio, during a Casey Kasem "American Top 40" show originally taped in the 1970s. After Kasem announced it the top song for August 1976, I recalled the hot summer night before college and the conversation with two girlfriends.

Music, triggering memories, is an action hard-wired in our brains. This is one way it is used to improve the lives of human beings.

Specific music helps Alzheimer's patients, for example. IPODs, loaded with music personalized for the patient, is the therapy. It is one good way to improve the quality of life for those with memory issues. The organization, Music and Memory, collects used IPODs for this purpose.

Another way music is importantly used is to jog memory. Think about the "A-B-C" song and other tunes used to teach certain concepts. One fun song, "Fifty Nifty United States" was taught to many of us in grade school, and I use it to this day in trivia contests.

I like to think about 1976, some times. It was before we knew much about the wide world, before the Internet, before college, back when our parents were still alive, caring about our welfare and well-being. It was the last time life seemed simple.

But, we muddle onward, as we must: Find the Grammy Award-winning performance of Elton John and Kiki Dee singing 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' on YouTube today.

YouTube (Search: Elton John & Kiki Dee) .... Casey Kasem biography


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