My brush with the Bush family

The late president, George HW Bush (photo credit: gilesallen website).

It was in Clinton, Iowa, when I had my personal experience with the family of George H.W. Bush. His son, Jeb Bush, was running for president and scheduled a campaign event at Eagle View Elementary school.

I was covering the 2016 event as a daily newspaper journalist; Bush was wrapping up his efforts before the Iowa Caucuses. 

I had covered many such political events over the years, but this was a favorite one. It came to mind this week, after the elder Bush passed away. President Donald Trump, who won the 2016 Caucus despite strong efforts from men like Jeb Bush, has declared a time of national mourning. 

The Clinton event was in the elementary school library. I got there early that Sunday afternoon and started talking to those who came to hear the candidate from the famous family.

One older woman I interviewed held a large photo of the George H.W. Bush. She was a supporter of both Bush presidencies and was anxious to meet Jeb. 

This candidate arrived right on time to the event, and did visit with the woman I'd interviewed. He had an easy-going manner, and was with a friendly crowd. It was an effective use of time for the former governor of Florida.

After Clinton, Bush's entourage, which included his son, went to a second campaign appearance in Davenport. That was at the VFW, and it was loud and rowdy. A big contrast to Clinton!

The first President Bush is being described as a decent man, and fine public servant. Such characteristics are also seen in his children.

Rest in peace, President Bush. I very much appreciate how you acted in the highest office of our land.


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