Dear Myla: Wishes from your Nana

Myla Adelyn Rodewald was born a month ago, in Des Moines.

Dear Myla Adelyn:

You are now a month old, and I wanted to introduce myself. I am your grandmother Baker, and I'd like you to call me "Nana."
(Research shows that 'Nana' has been used as a word for "grandmother" since the early 20th century. When I grew up in Edina, Minnesota, my sister's best friend lived up the street with her Nana. The Minnesota Nana was very kind to me as a little girl and that's how I want to be to you, little Myla.)
My husband, Grandpa Steve, and I, are the parents of your mother, Kirstin. We were present in the hospital lobby when you entered the world on Jan. 6, and we first met you when you were just a couple hours old.
Now we enjoy seeing you, mostly via a funny thing called FaceTime, which happens on your mommy's cell phone. That happens about once a week. When we speak to you on FaceTime, you seem to be interested in where our voices are coming from.
We Bakers live on the far eastern side of Iowa, while you and your folks live in the central part of the state. That just means we are a few hours away, by car.
Shortly after you entered the world, the weather turned very, very cold, historically cold, colder than your parents have ever seen. I think that being born in January is extra special, but you will grow up with many people talking about weather around the time of your birthday.
Here are some things I wish for you, tiny Myla, over the long term:
1. You follow what we call the Golden Rule, which is: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Follow this rule with backbone, however; appreciate the wisdom of being stubborn when necessary.
2. You grow to love and respect your extensive family. Early in life you will find out your name includes all the letters of your grandparents' first names, which is pretty cool!
3. You learn about God, and the important place for faith in your life.
4. You become fair, and even-handed.
5. You live to learn.
5. You learn to read at an early age, and love to read the rest of your life.
6. You care about your own health, taking sensible steps to preserve your health as long as possible.
8. You learn to care for the least among us.
9. You love animals, like your dog, Buffy.
10. You love to play: Games, cards, sports.

With love, Nana

Below: Myla on Super Bowl Sunday, with Nana, and at bottom, with her mom and Grandpa Steve:


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