Even a clean house can be cleaner

Empty hangers in the front closet indicate jackets and coats in the laundry.

 This video is one suggestion on what to do when feeling hemmed in.

Today I'm washing the jackets and hats.

Yep, it's come down to the front closet, which holds both the wintertime hats, gloves and scarves, and also various jackets and coats.

Into the washer and dryer they go!

I'm so worried about the COVID-19, I've finished spring cleaning, and now am in the process of laundering almost everything in the house.

That puts an awful lot of stress on the washer and dryer, not to mention the patient spouse, but no matter. I WILL protect this house from viruses like COVID-19!

To date, that means:
1. Changing and washing towels every 2-3 days.
2. Changing linens once a week.
3. The afore-mentioned spring cleaning, which includes vacuuming and cleaning almost everything one can find in this house.
4. Cleaning the baths, once a week.
5. Sorting out clothes for Cinderella's Cellar in Davenport, Salvation Army or Goodwill, whichever one opens first.
6. Boxing up books to contribute to the public libraries, when they are open.
7. Keeping the refrigerator full of fresh fruits and veggies (harder than one might think!).
8. Washing and sweeping floors on a daily basis.
9. Using a bleach solution on "public places" as much as possible. Whoops: I forgot to wear a rubber glove once and got a bleach burn on one hand. Washing it nicely and putting lotion on the poor hand worked in a matter of minutes.
10. Locating face masks, including a stylish one from Esty.com

This COVID-19 pandemic is starting to wear thin, no doubt. As a so-called "social butterfly," it is hard to have a full life without family or friends.

Still, we trudge forward. There are hobbies, to be sure. Scrapbooks are up-to-date, and we are weeks ahead with the gardening and landscaping plans.

A vow was made, in March: After this is over, we'll be very healthy from working out, and also will have the cleanest house in our 31-year marriage.

Steps toward both goals are being made every day, even as April seems to be 10 years long. Onward!


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