"Iowa Nice," in action

The Iowa DOT office in Davenport. This is where you go, in Scott County, Iowa, when you need help with your Iowa Driver's License. I often think that my brain works in thirds: One part looks ahead, one part is in the present, and one considers the past, history, etc. This translates to occasional "dumb" mishaps. The latest was a few incidents where I managed to lose, not one, not two, but three important cards. This was discovered over a period of days when the many cards I had fell out of a cute little, old card holder. I have no idea when, or where. Disappeared: The Iowa Driver's License, a Citi Visa card and my bank's debit card. This was a catastrophe of sorts. The cards are more important than you might think, but after a lot of panic, I researched the solutions and now, all is better. ( As one example: When you lose a Driver's License, you can carry a passport around to prove...